Amiga Plus 2004 #2
Amiga Plus CD - 2004 - No. 02.iso
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Text File
570 lines
" -------------------------------------------------------------------- "
" The Boopsi Class implements the AmigaTalk to BOOPSI functions. "
" I'm NOT going to document how existing BOOPSI classes are imple- "
" mented, you'll have to find that information from someone else! "
" This class is equivalent to rootclass, since rootclass has no attri- "
" butes. "
" tag values are obtained via "
" 'tagValue <- boopsiObj boopsiTag: #TAG_SYMBOL' "
" See BOOPSITags.st for special tags used by the BOOPSI system & look "
" at BoopsiClassNames.st "
" -------------------------------------------------------------------- "
Class Boopsi :Object
! private rastPortObj iclassObj boopsiNames boopsiTags !
" You eventually free the object using this method: "
<primitive 238 16 private>.
<primitive 250 5 0 private>.
^ nil
disposeObject: boopsiObject
<primitive 238 16 boopsiObject>.
<primitive 250 5 0 boopsiObject>.
^ nil
(boopsiNames isNil)
ifTrue: [ boopsiNames <- BoopsiClassNames new ].
(boopsiTags isNil)
ifTrue: [ boopsiTags <- BoopsiTags new ].
^ self
boopsiTag: tagSymbol
^ boopsiTags systemTag: tagSymbol
newBoopsiObject: classIDString in: iclassObject tags: tagArray
" This is the general method of creating objects from 'boopsi' classes.
* ('Boopsi' stands for basic object-oriented programming system for
* Intuition.)
* You specify a class either as iclassObject (for a private class) or
* by its ID string (for public classes). If iclassObject is nil,
* then the classIDString is used. (See BoopsiClassNames.st)
* You further specify initial 'create-time' attributes for the
* object via a TagItem list, and they are applied to the resulting
* generic data object that is returned. The attributes, their meanings,
* attributes applied only at create-time, and required attributes
* are all defined and documented on a class-by-class basis.
* A boopsi object, which may be used in different contexts such
* as a gadget or image, and may be manipulated by generic functions.
* You eventually free the object using the dispose method.
^ private <- <primitive 238 1 iclassObject classIDString tagArray>
boopsiName: classNameKey
" This method is how you obtain classIDStrings.
* Known class ID String Keys:
* classNameKey: classIDString:
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* #ROOTCLASS is rootclass
* #IMAGECLASS is imageclass
* #FRAMEICLASS is frameiclass
* #SYSICLASS is sysiclass
* #FILLRECTCLASS is fillrectclass
* #GADGETCLASS is gadgetclass
* #PROPGCLASS is propgclass
* #STRGCLASS is strgclass
* #BUTTONGCLASS is buttongclass
* #FRBUTTONCLASS is frbuttonclass
* #GROUPGCLASS is groupgclass
* #ICCLASS is icclass
* #MODELCLASS is modelclass
* #ITEXTICLASS is itexticlass
* #POINTERCLASS is pointerclass
^ boopsiNames at: classNameKey
" You don't need to call this method, makeBoopsiClass:for:id:size:flags:
* will take care of it for you!
<primitive 238 2 iclassObj>
" Makes a public class unavailable for public consumption.
* It's OK to call this function for a class which is not
* yet in the internal public class list, or has been
* already removed.
<primitive 238 3 iclassObj>
freeBoopsiClass ! success !
success <- <primitive 238 4 iclassObj>.
<primitive 250 5 0 iclassObj>. " Too late! It's all gone! "
^ success " Returns true if successful "
makeBoopsiClass: classIDString
for: superClassObj
id: superClassIDString
size: size
flags: flags
" Make your own BOOPSI Class. classID & superClassID can be nil,
* (which indicates a private BOOPSI Class). superClassObj
* should NEVER be nil. size is the size of the instance data
* that your class's objects will require, beyond that data defined
* for your superclass's objects. flags should be zero for now
* (unless you KNOW otherwise):
iclassObj <- <primitive 238 5 classIDString superClassIDString superClassObj size flags>.
self xxxAddBoopsiClass.
^ iclassObj
obtainGIRPort: gadgetInfoObject
" Sets up a RastPort for use (only) by custom gadget hook routines.
* This function must be called EACH time a hook routine needing
* to perform gadget rendering is called, and must be accompanied
* by a corresponding call to releaseGIRPort.
* Note that if a hook function passes you a RastPort pointer,
* e.g., GM_RENDER, you needn't call obtainGIRPort in that case.
^ rastPortObj <- <primitive 238 6 gadgetInfoObject>
" Release a custom gadget RastPort Object from obtainGIRPort: "
<primitive 238 7 rastPortObj>
getAttribute: attrID from: object into: storageObj
^ <primitive 238 8 attrID object storageObj>
setAttributes: anObject tags: tagArray
" Specifies a set of attribute/value pairs with meaning as
* defined by a 'boopsi' object's class.
* This function does not provide enough context information or
* arbitration for boopsi gadgets which are attached to windows
* or requesters. For those objects, use setGadgetAttributes:from:req:tags:
* The object does whatever it wants with the attributes you provide.
* The return value tends to be non-zero if the changes would require
* refreshing gadget imagery, if anObject is a gadget.
^ <primitive 238 9 anObject tagArray>
setGadgetAttributes: gadObj from: winObj req: reqObj tags: tagArray
" Same as setAttributes:tags:, but provides context information and
* arbitration for classes which implement custom Intuition gadgets.
* You should use this function for boopsi gadget objects which have
* already been added to a requester or a window, or for 'models' which
* propagate information to gadget(s) already added.
* Typically, the gadgets will refresh their visuals to reflect
* changes to visible attributes, such as the value of a slider,
* the text in a string-type gadget, the selected state of a button.
* You can use this as a replacement for setAttributes:tags:, too,
* if you specify nil for the 'winObj' and 'reqObj' parameters.
* The return value tends to be non-zero if the changes would require
* refreshing gadget imagery, if the object is a gadget.
^ <primitive 238 10 gadObj winObj reqObj tagArray>
nextObject: fromObject
" This function is for boopsi class implementors only.
* When you collect a set of boopsi objects on an Exec List
* structure by invoking their OM_ADDMEMBER method, you
* can (only) retrieve them by iterations of this method.
* Works even if you remove and dispose the returned list
* members in turn.
^ <primitive 238 11 fromObject>
doGadgetMethod: gadObj from: winObj req: reqObj message: msgObj
" Same as the DoMethod() function of amiga.lib, but provides context
* information and arbitration for classes which implement custom
* Intuition gadgets. (reqObj can be nil).
* You should use this method for boopsi gadget objects,
* or for 'models' which propagate information to gadgets.
* The object does whatever it wants with the message you sent,
* which might include updating its gadget visuals.
* The return value is defined per-method.
^ <primitive 238 12 gadObj winObj reqObj msgObj>
translateBoopsiErrorNumber " into a String "
^ <primitive 238 13>
doSuperMethod: onObject message: msgObj
" msgObj is a struct Msg pointer.
* Do NOT know if this is needed, but it is included to
* complete the functionality of the Class:
^ <primitive 238 14 iclassObj onObject msgObj>
coerceMethod: onObject message: msgObj
" msgObj is a struct Msg pointer.
* Do NOT know if this is needed, but it is included to
* complete the functionality of the Class:
^ <primitive 238 15 iclassObj onObject msgObj>
" -------------------------------------------------------------------- "
" Use this class to create instances of 'itexticlass' BOOPSI Objects. "
" -------------------------------------------------------------------- "
Class BoopsiText :BoopsiImage ! itextObj textColor textOrigin tagArray !
itextString: newITextString
itextObj <- IText new: newITextString
origin: originPoint
textOrigin <- originPoint
color: newTextColor
textColor <- newTextColor
initialize: textString at: origin color: newColor
self itextString: textString.
self origin: origin.
self color: newColor.
^ self xxxSetup
" Use initialize:at:color: method after creating an Instance. "
(tagArray isNil)
ifTrue: [ tagArray <- Array new: 9 ].
itextObj setITextOrigin: textOrigin.
itextObj setPens: textColor @ 0.
tagArray at: 1 put: (super boopsiTag: #IA_Data).
tagArray at: 2 put: itextObj.
tagArray at: 3 put: (super boopsiTag: #IA_FGPen).
tagArray at: 4 put: textColor.
tagArray at: 5 put: (super boopsiTag: #IA_Left).
tagArray at: 6 put: (textOrigin x).
tagArray at: 7 put: (super boopsiTag: #IA_Top).
tagArray at: 8 put: (textOrigin y).
tagArray at: 9 put: (super boopsiTag: #TAG_DONE).
^ super newBoopsiObject: (super boopsiName: #ITEXTCLASS) in: nil tags: tagArray.
" ---------------------------------------------------------------- "
" This class is an abstract class. Normally, you do NOT create "
" instances of this class, just it's subclasses. "
" ---------------------------------------------------------------- "
Class BoopsiGadget :Boopsi ! gadObj tagArray !
new: numberOfTags
super subclassResponsibility: 'new:'.
^ nil.
super subclassResponsibility: 'initialize'.
^ nil
newBoopsiObject: classIDString
^ super newBoopsiObject: classIDString in: nil tags: tagArray.
setTagArray: newTagArray
tagArray <- newTagArray.
^ tagArray
origin: originPoint
tagArray at: 2 put: originPoint x.
tagArray at: 4 put: originPoint y.
extent: sizePoint
tagArray at: 6 put: sizePoint x.
tagArray at: 8 put: sizePoint y.
userData: userDataArray ! dataArray size !
size <- userDataArray size.
dataArray <- Array new: size.
(1 to: size)
do: [ :i | dataArray at: i put: (userDataArray at: i) ].
tagArray at: 10 put: dataArray.
gadgetIntuiText: itextObj index: tagIndex
" tagIndex has to be >= 11 for this method: "
tagArray at: tagIndex put: (super boopsiTag: #GA_IntuiText).
tagArray at: (tagIndex + 1) put: itextObj.
gadgetText: textString index: tagIndex
" tagIndex has to be >= 11 for this method: "
tagArray at: tagIndex put: (super boopsiTag: #GA_Text).
tagArray at: (tagIndex + 1) put: textString.
gadgetLabelImage: imageObj index: tagIndex
" tagIndex has to be >= 11 for this method: "
tagArray at: tagIndex put: (super boopsiTag: #GA_LabelImage).
tagArray at: (tagIndex + 1) put: imageObj.
gadgetImage: imageObj index: tagIndex
" tagIndex has to be >= 11 for this method: "
tagArray at: tagIndex put: (super boopsiTag: #GA_Image).
tagArray at: (tagIndex + 1) put: imageObj.
gadgetID: idInteger index: tagIndex
" tagIndex has to be >= 11 for this method: "
tagArray at: tagIndex put: (super boopsiTag: #GA_ID).
tagArray at: (tagIndex + 1) put: idInteger.
gadgetBorder: borderObj index: tagIndex
" tagIndex has to be >= 11 for this method: "
tagArray at: tagIndex put: (super boopsiTag: #GA_Border).
tagArray at: (tagIndex + 1) put: borderObj.
gadgetSelectRender: selectObj index: tagIndex
" tagIndex has to be >= 11 for this method: "
tagArray at: tagIndex put: (super boopsiTag: #GA_SelectRender).
tagArray at: (tagIndex + 1) put: selectObj.
gadgetSpecialInfo: specialObj index: tagIndex
" tagIndex has to be >= 11 for this method: "
tagArray at: tagIndex put: (super boopsiTag: #GA_SpecialInfo).
tagArray at: (tagIndex + 1) put: specialObj.
gadgetDisabled: boolean index: tagIndex ! ival !
" tagIndex has to be >= 11 for this method: "
ifTrue: [ival <- 1]
ifFalse: [ival <- 0].
tagArray at: tagIndex put: (super boopsiTag: #GA_Disabled).
tagArray at: (tagIndex + 1) put: ival.
Class BoopsiButtonGadget :BoopsiGadget
! imageObj !
new: numberOfTags ! tagArray !
(numberOfTags < 11)
ifTrue: [ tagArray <- Array new: 11 ]
ifFalse: [ tagArray <- Array new: numberOfTags ].
" Minimum required tagArray has to have the following: "
tagArray at: 1 put: (super boopsiTag: #GA_Left).
tagArray at: 2 put: 0.
tagArray at: 3 put: (super boopsiTag: #GA_Top).
tagArray at: 4 put: 0.
tagArray at: 5 put: (super boopsiTag: #GA_Width).
tagArray at: 6 put: 50.
tagArray at: 7 put: (super boopsiTag: #GA_Height).
tagArray at: 8 put: 20.
tagArray at: 9 put: (super boopsiTag: #GA_UserData).
tagArray at: 10 put: nil.
tagArray at: 11 put: (super boopsiTag: #TAG_DONE).
super setTagArray: tagArray
^ self
^ super newBoopsiObject: (super boopsiName: #BUTTONGCLASS)
Class BoopsiFramedButton :BoopsiButtonGadget
! frameType !
^ nil
Class BoopsiPropGadget :BoopsiGadget
! totalSize visibleSize currentValue orientation !
^ nil
Class BoopsiStringGadget :BoopsiGadget
! font pens maxLength mode justification !
^ nil
" ---------------------------------------------------------------- "
" This class is an abstract class. Normally, you do NOT create "
" instances of this class, just it's subclasses. "
" ---------------------------------------------------------------- "
Class BoopsiImage :Boopsi
! origin extent pens imageData !
^ nil
Class BoopsiFillRect :BoopsiImage
! fillPattern drawMode patternSize !
^ nil
Class BoopsiFrame :BoopsiImage
^ nil
Class BoopsiSystemImage :BoopsiImage
! whichImage drawInfo imageSize !
^ nil
" ---------------------------------------------------------------- "
" The list of available BOOPSI Tags is located in: "
" AmigaTalk:prelude/listfiles/BoopsiTags.dictionary "
" Use this class to make a tagArray for the map instance variable "
" in BoopsiIC class. "
" ---------------------------------------------------------------- "
Class BoopsiMap :TagList
! numTags tagArray boopsiTags !
new: howManyTags ! intuition !
" Be sure to allow for the #TAG_DONE at the end of your
* tagArray. This means that, in general, howManyTags will be
* an odd number >= 3.
(intuition isNil)
ifTrue: [ intuition <- Intuition new ].
(boopsiTags isNil)
ifTrue: [ boopsiTags <- BoopsiTags new ].
numTags <- howManyTags.
tagArray <- super new: numTags.
" Make sure tagArray is terminated properly: "
tagArray at: numTags put: (intuition systemTag: #TAG_DONE).
^ self
setTag: tagSymbol index: arrayIndex
^ (super setTag: (self xxxBoopsiTag: tagSymbol) index: arrayIndex)
setTagValue: tagSymbol value: newTagValue
(super setTagValue: (self xxxBoopsiTag: tagSymbol) value: newTagValue)
xxxBoopsiTag: tagSymbol
^ boopsiTags systemTag: tagSymbol
Class BoopsiIC :Boopsi
! target map specialCode !
^ nil
Class BoopsiModel :BoopsiIC
^ nil